North End Grad Walk 2023

It's that time of year again! Graduates and their families from Children of the Earth, St John's High School & RB Russell are invited to the 2nd Annual North End Grad Walk!!

It goes down on Monday June 26 from 6-7pm, starting at St John's High School, a photo stop at Children of the Earth and food/barbecue at RB Russell High School. If you live along Salter, or have friends or family graduating please line up along Selkirk so we can cheer on our grads and encourage the ones that are coming up next!

Thank you to the schools, groups, organizations and helpers who are making this celebration possible! If you want to help, donate or register to attend, please email northendgradwalk @ gmail . com! Also, thank you to the dignitaries who are going to be coming out to bring greetings and congrats to the students.

I first learned about this from videos that were floating around on social media a few years ago but also heard from people that these types of walks used to be commonplace in some communities. If you or your community want to have a grad walk then please do, it can be as similair to the one we do in the North End or as customized to your graduates as you want.


Ininímotán at St John’s Library on Mondays


Connection, Reconciliation and Community Safety in Moose Jaw, SK