
Sitting at the hospital waiting for a loved one to be cared for inside, I felt nervous. Checking my phone I saw a number of emails and notifications about work that I had to do, much of it urgent. I felt overwhelmed. I tried to ask for help but couldn't find the right words for the right person. I felt stuck.

And then I found it.

As I plopped down on the cement stairs, sirens wailing in the distance, the bustle of emergency room ins and outs all around me; it shone up to me like a diamond, cutting through the noise and the concrete and the emotions.


On a silver heart shaped pendant. In my
moment of feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do, the message came through.


Believe the good work you have done for others will carry on into the future. Believe that the investments you've made in yourself will come to fruition, soon. Believe we are never given more than we can handle even when it feels like a lot, even when it feels like too much. Believe that you can make it through.

Sometimes the world can be difficult but if we look closely we can find a silver lining and a message to help us in our moment of need. I needed this reminder, so thought I'd share it with all of you.

Don't be discouraged my relative, we can make it through ❤️🙏🏽✨


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